This summer's scented candle trends, UK
Summers here! And we for one love the vibrant seasonal scents of nature and home fragrances at this time of year. You may find it interesting to hear that, fruity scents can be somewhat controversial in the candle community. Some love them. Some hate them. We lean more towards the former here at DAYDREAMIN, as we believe they offer a sense of escapism alongside an energy-boosting aroma to our homes. But there are also many more scents that bloom into action during the hottest months of the year.
As you may know, we don’t just create any old candle scents here at DAYDREAMIN’. At the heart of everything we do is tapping into the natural power of scent as the most powerful sensory trigger for activating our brains ‘daydream mode’. We are passionate about blending fragrances and creating scent profiles for our candles, that inspire mental escapes and therapeutic daydreams. So with that said, we’ve been thinking a lot recently about what daydreams people are mind-wandering into right now, and how these have inspired this summers trending candle scents. So whether you want to transform your home into a summer paradise or just need to take a cold shower (#IYKYK), read below to see which candle scents you need to know about this summer.

It’s easy to understand why people are daydreaming of better, brighter days. In periods of turmoil, people naturally gravitate to what makes them feel safe and products that offer a sense of calming relief. So with us all very much in need of a time-out – it’s no surprise that mellow, ethereal florals are very much in vogue right now. I mean, it wouldn’t be much of a scent blog if we didn’t talk about florals - but the headache-inducing, perfumed aroma's that make you think of your Nan's perfume, those are a thing of the past.

Fragrances like lily of the valley which offer a much softer meadow flower scent are this seasons go-to. Talking of meadow flowers, the gentle fragrance of bluebells is a firm favourite this time of year and is a scent that continues to be elevated to new heights by blending with more elegant notes like cashmere (as we have done). Wine is also an indulgent scent profile that is gaining appeal in candles this year, as the smell offers a more floral nature than its fruity ingredients suggest. If you’re looking to mellow out, a mixture of these floral scents can be found in both our RUNAWAY BRIDE and CAMP AS FUCK scented candles.
As the CANDY PERFUME BOY says “when life has been so small, for so long, people are ready to go big and make a statement”. This is why mood-boosting products and scene-setting scents are all the rage this year. And what makes more of a statement than exotic, tropical fruit?! There is nothing subtle about these and are perfect for those wanting to lift the mood. Those that daydream to get that little dopamine-rush.

Fragrances such as peach blossom and sweet papaya really light people’s fire during the summer months (excuse the pun). While the tropical, milky notes of coconut remain a firm fan-favourite during the hotter months. Excitingly the humble rhubarb is also having somewhat of a modern-day revival amongst many candle brands, including us. Some citrus fruit fragrances on the other hand are going out of favour. Sour scent notes like lemon and limes are being usurped by sweeter, zesty scents like those found in Rio Red grapefruit and Brazilian orange. So if you want to make a scent statement and get a little fruity this season, you can find this trend's scent notes in both our NUDIST BEACH and JUICY SCANDAL scented candles.
Things are hotting up out there. The excess Vitamin D is sending our serotonin levels - and our sex-drives - into overdrive. We’re wearing slightly less clothes and not leaving much to the imagination. We start loosing our inhibitions and daydreaming of giving into romantic fantasies. This is why in the summer we have a love affair with oceanic fragrances. Refreshing, watery scents to cool down our burning loins. Sorry, that went a bit Fifty Shades of Grey there, moving on...

Fragrances like Palo Santo is one the ‘trendiest’ scents around right now. This energy-cleansing scent is favoured by celebrities like Post Malone and Alicia Keys as well as many Yoga influencers across social media. It’s a modern-day classic - a fresh, aromatic and natural scent without the heavy and warming notes normally associated with woody scents. Cucumber is also a surprising new entry into scented candles in recent years. Its green hydrating smell – as well its associations as a sexual euphemism - makes for a great spa-like, wet scent. The next ones a biggy - the agave plant. Not to be mistaken for aloe vera, it is a plant that thrives in warm, dry climates. It’s also the core ingredient in Tequila. The agave plant is a natural ingredient you’re going to be hearing a lot more about in candles over the coming years due to its fresh, arousing scent. Just remember, you heard it here first! If your getting hot under the collar at the sound of our aquatic aphrodisiac trend, shop our founder's favourite scented candle MILE HIGH CLUB now.